two week vacation
Adam Megacz
2004-04-19 20:44:33 UTC
Please read my previous email ("grandparents") before this one.

What follows is a gross violation of netiquette, but I'm going to do
We are days if not hours away from forking. Not a soft fork, not a
fork that tries to get its changes pushed to core.ibex.org. A great
big, hard to reverse, fork. Separate servers, separate lists, etc.
Suffice it to say that I would be very surprised if there were fewer
than 5 active contributors to the fork (on day one), and equally
surprised if there was more than one remaining contributor (you) to
the ibex branded version.
Tupshin, I don't mind you forking the project one bit. But I
absolutely will not tolerate you using it as a threat, even if it is a
rather pathetic threat. It's astoundingly unprofessional. I've put
up with a whole lot of attitude from you compared with very little
concrete contribution. Right now the cost/benefit analysis of your
presence here is way, way, way in the red.

Charlie, I have similar problems with you, but less severe. Lately
you've been doing little but sowing discontent around here. You
complain incessantly and exhibit absolutely no willingness to research
the problems you gripe about before posting them (and then you get
angry when I don't have time to repsond to 10+ posts a day from one
person). I've read over the widget code in detail, and to be honest
there's barely anything there, and what is there has a lot of
problems. When I point out those problems, you take it very
personally. I'm very concerned at this point that you're trying to
impose your design on the widget library simply by "being there first"
rather than by coming up with the best design.

I have to ask both of you to take a two week vacation from the Ibex
mailing lists. Feel free to post a parting comment or two; I owe it
to you to give you the last word; I won't retort. But then I must ask
you both to refrain from posting until May 1st. If you need to
communicate with other developers (or groups thereof), please do so

- a
Charles Goodwin
2004-04-19 21:06:10 UTC
You really have no perspective on the Ibex community. And I've been one
of the proponents of avoiding forking. My discontent has been purely
because I'm the only person applying Ibex because nobody else has had
the maschosism to do so.

Tupshin's email wasn't private, he cc'd core-4b8TPpkIZ3Q=@public.gmane.org And it's not a threat.
It's a "for heaven's sake, look what you are forcing us to do". None of
us wanted to go this route. You're giving us no other option, instread
firing with asshole comments like this:

"I've read over the widget code in detail, and to be honest
there's barely anything there, and what is there has a lot of
problems. When I point out those problems, you take it very
personally. I'm very concerned at this point that you're trying to
impose your design on the widget library simply by "being there first"
rather than by coming up with the best design."

That's just such a low swipe that I'll not dignify it with a reply.

You talk about being professional. You're behaviour of late has been
anything but. You are destroying every ounce of credibility you have
within the community.

You really will miss everybody. We have done the dirty work and taken
up the slack for so long, you literally assume it. Hell you check
almost nothing and when you have to do all your own debugging you'll
really start to appreciate the shit you have put us through.

Good luck. You're really going to need it at this rate.

I had such high hopes. You've flattered to deceive and I'm far more
disappointed than I am angry.

- Charlie out.
