David Crawshaw
2004-04-08 02:13:28 UTC
How does one affect the font weight, ie: bold, italics? Is it done by
changing the name of the font?

Also, the new core isn't rendering. Something weird is going on. I
could spend a few hours now trying to work out what/build a test case,
but instead I'm going to spend the time getting a WYSIWYG demo going.

The core I'm using now can be found:

(which is basically the core Tupshin maintains on

-- d
Brian Alliet
2004-04-08 02:35:32 UTC
Post by David Crawshaw
How does one affect the font weight, ie: bold, italics? Is it done by
changing the name of the font?
Yes. The bold/italic/bold-italic fonts are actually different TTFs. We
should probably come up with some way to handle this nicely in the

David Crawshaw
2004-04-08 22:43:49 UTC
Post by Brian Alliet
Yes. The bold/italic/bold-italic fonts are actually different TTFs. We
should probably come up with some way to handle this nicely in the
Yep. We'll also need some kind of access to the bold/italics versions
of the default fonts.

Perhaps ibex.ui.font.serif.bold?

-- d
Adam Megacz
2004-04-10 04:04:44 UTC
Post by David Crawshaw
How does one affect the font weight, ie: bold, italics? Is it done by
changing the name of the font?
AFAIK a .ttf can only hold one of [regular,bold,bolditalic,italic].
So you need a new ttf.

- a
David Crawshaw
2004-04-10 08:24:51 UTC
Post by Adam Megacz
AFAIK a .ttf can only hold one of [regular,bold,bolditalic,italic].
So you need a new ttf.
Will the core ship with the bold, italic and bolditalic versions of

-- d
Adam Megacz
2004-04-12 08:08:08 UTC
Yes, if we can find a way to strip out the non-latin-1 chars in vera...
Post by David Crawshaw
Post by Adam Megacz
AFAIK a .ttf can only hold one of [regular,bold,bolditalic,italic].
So you need a new ttf.
Will the core ship with the bold, italic and bolditalic versions of
-- d
core mailing list
"It's lucky," he added, after a pause, "that there are such a lot of
islands in the world. I almost envy you, Mr. Watson."

-- Mustapha Mond