major speedup, correctness, text reflow now 100% working
Adam Megacz
2004-04-08 02:44:11 UTC
As a result of the preceeding slew of patches...

wget http://www.megacz.com/tmp/ibex.jar
wget http://www.megacz.com/tmp/main.t
java -jar ibex.jar .

Damn fast for AWT. I should try to get the OpenGL Darwin build
running again; I bet it will reflow faster than Safari.

BTW, when I post binaries, you should always assume that the code is
in darcs (or will be there in the next couple of minutes) unless I
state otherwise.

- a
"It's lucky," he added, after a pause, "that there are such a lot of
islands in the world. I almost envy you, Mr. Watson."

-- Mustapha Mond
Brian Alliet
2004-04-08 02:49:14 UTC
Post by Adam Megacz
I should try to get the OpenGL Darwin build
running again; I bet it will reflow faster than Safari.
That would be awesome. Give it a try. If you run into any problems I
should be around for the next hour or two.

David Crawshaw
2004-04-08 02:51:45 UTC
Post by Adam Megacz
Damn fast for AWT.
That's the first nitrogen thing I've seen that could be classed as 'not
slow'. :)

Good stuff.

-- d
Tupshin Harper
2004-04-08 05:44:47 UTC
Post by Adam Megacz
As a result of the preceeding slew of patches...
wget http://www.megacz.com/tmp/ibex.jar
wget http://www.megacz.com/tmp/main.t
java -jar ibex.jar .
Damn fast for AWT. I should try to get the OpenGL Darwin build
running again; I bet it will reflow faster than Safari.
BTW, when I post binaries, you should always assume that the code is
in darcs (or will be there in the next couple of minutes) unless I
state otherwise.
- a
Also, as a result of the preceding patches
1) text doesn't load, as used by the existing widgets
2) the test templates such as sampler.t, and alpha2.t in the widgets
repository fail to show the mast majority of their content.

I don't plan on filing bugs on these issues or developing test cases
since I'm too cranky that the widgets repository, or some snapshot
thereof, *still* isn't being used to sanity check changes before they
are committed. If either of these were deliberate API changes, please
discus on list. Otherwise, please test against the existing widgets.

Jeff Buhrt
2004-04-08 15:38:20 UTC

Where are you putting the current built reference.pdf?
Tupshin built one a few days ago, but it didn't have the complete index
like yours does. Given no build target makes it, I assume we missed a step.

The new one in your tmp directory is gone.

March 25th

-older version that lays out funny in Mozilla, IE seems to do ok.
[funny=The blue background is smaller than the text]

Adam Megacz
2004-04-10 04:09:08 UTC
Post by Jeff Buhrt
Where are you putting the current built reference.pdf?
Tupshin built one a few days ago, but it didn't have the complete
index like yours does.
It's this latex lameness where you actually have to build it *twice*
to get the index. Don't ask me. Don Knuth is nutty like that.

Try megacz.com/tmp/reference.pdf
Jeff Buhrt
2004-04-12 15:13:08 UTC


404 Not Found

/tmp/reference.pdf was not found on this server.
Resin-3.0.s040213 (built Fri, 13 Feb 2004 09:54:28 PST)

Post by Adam Megacz
Post by Jeff Buhrt
Where are you putting the current built reference.pdf?
Tupshin built one a few days ago, but it didn't have the complete
index like yours does.
It's this latex lameness where you actually have to build it *twice*
to get the index. Don't ask me. Don Knuth is nutty like that.
Try megacz.com/tmp/reference.pdf
core mailing list
Jeff Buhrt
2004-04-12 15:17:17 UTC
Ah, nevermind it is:

I assume the www CNAME must be doing something funny w/r to Resin.


Post by Jeff Buhrt
404 Not Found
/tmp/reference.pdf was not found on this server.
Resin-3.0.s040213 (built Fri, 13 Feb 2004 09:54:28 PST)
Post by Adam Megacz
Post by Jeff Buhrt
Where are you putting the current built reference.pdf?
Tupshin built one a few days ago, but it didn't have the complete
index like yours does.
It's this latex lameness where you actually have to build it *twice*
to get the index. Don't ask me. Don Knuth is nutty like that.
Try megacz.com/tmp/reference.pdf
core mailing list
core mailing list
Andrew Kohlsmith
2004-04-12 15:18:31 UTC
Post by Jeff Buhrt
I assume the www CNAME must be doing something funny w/r to Resin.
Yeah, Resin's a sticky thing...


Adam Megacz
2004-04-10 04:08:20 UTC
Post by Tupshin Harper
discus on list. Otherwise, please test against the existing widgets.
Er, I am testing against widgets.ibex.org, which is currently an empty repo ;)
Charles Goodwin
2004-04-10 08:36:11 UTC
Post by Adam Megacz
Post by Tupshin Harper
discus on list. Otherwise, please test against the existing widgets.
Er, I am testing against widgets.ibex.org, which is currently an empty repo ;)
Liar! It's not empty! It's not been empty for a while!
- Charlie

Charles Goodwin <charlie-***@public.gmane.org>
Online @ www.charlietech.com
Charles Goodwin
2004-04-10 08:50:09 UTC
Post by Charles Goodwin
Post by Adam Megacz
Post by Tupshin Harper
discus on list. Otherwise, please test against the existing widgets.
Er, I am testing against widgets.ibex.org, which is currently an empty repo ;)
Liar! It's not empty! It's not been empty for a while!
Btw, the sources are all under src/, as you had patched them to be
anyway, and your main.t is there to. You want to be doing:

java -jar ibex.jar ibex_widgets/src
- Charlie

Charles Goodwin <charlie-***@public.gmane.org>
Online @ www.charlietech.com
Charles Goodwin
2004-04-08 22:52:59 UTC
Works nicely although not with any of the widget work we've been doing
but David has bugs on the issues we know about.

What is curious, though, is that a latest get from core.ibex.org doesn't
run nicely at all for me compared to the ibex.jar from megacz.com/tmp.
Post by Adam Megacz
As a result of the preceeding slew of patches...
wget http://www.megacz.com/tmp/ibex.jar
wget http://www.megacz.com/tmp/main.t
java -jar ibex.jar .
Damn fast for AWT. I should try to get the OpenGL Darwin build
running again; I bet it will reflow faster than Safari.
BTW, when I post binaries, you should always assume that the code is
in darcs (or will be there in the next couple of minutes) unless I
state otherwise.
- a
"It's lucky," he added, after a pause, "that there are such a lot of
islands in the world. I almost envy you, Mr. Watson."
-- Mustapha Mond
core mailing list