freetype question
Andrew Kohlsmith
2004-04-11 12:25:45 UTC
Are there any issues with ENABLING the bytecode interpreter in the freetype
library? Ibex is an open-source, noncommercial application and I understand
that if Adam were to ever want to go commercial with Ibex he'd have to pay
royalties but since at this time he is not...

Can we enable the bytecode interpreter? It would make the fonts look so much

David Crawshaw
2004-04-11 12:34:16 UTC
Post by Andrew Kohlsmith
Are there any issues with ENABLING the bytecode interpreter in the
freetype library? Ibex is an open-source, noncommercial application
Ibex is released under the GPL, which allows commercial use.

If we were to include a non-commercial use clause (using the
interpreter), it would mean we can't distribute Ibex under the GPL.

-- d
Andrew Kohlsmith
2004-04-11 13:33:17 UTC
Post by David Crawshaw
Ibex is released under the GPL, which allows commercial use.
If we were to include a non-commercial use clause (using the
interpreter), it would mean we can't distribute Ibex under the GPL.
They can always recompile it to eliminate Adobe's patented code, just as the
freetype project currently does.

David Crawshaw
2004-04-11 13:41:35 UTC
Post by Andrew Kohlsmith
They can always recompile it to eliminate Adobe's patented code, just
as the freetype project currently does.
Doesn't matter, the binary can't be GPLed. If it were, the license
would conflict with what we are licensed[*] to do. Now, we could make a
non-commercial release, but the only reason we can do that is we don't
depend on any other GPL code (Adam owns all the copyrights).

[*] It's not technically what we're licensed to do, more what we
are granted permission to do under whatever the patent laws are.

-- d
Brian Alliet
2004-04-11 17:01:52 UTC
Post by David Crawshaw
Doesn't matter, the binary can't be GPLed. If it were, the license
would conflict with what we are licensed[*] to do.
I wonder is using NestedVM to run Freetype is considered "linking" with
it? You could make a good argument either way. Maybe we could release
freetype.mips under a different license?

David Crawshaw
2004-04-11 21:41:52 UTC
Post by Brian Alliet
I wonder is using NestedVM to run Freetype is considered "linking"
with it? You could make a good argument either way.
I don't think running Freetype in mips is linking, but Freetype.java
makes specific API calls against the library. That definitely sounds
like linking to me.

-- d
Adam Megacz
2004-04-12 02:15:18 UTC
Post by Andrew Kohlsmith
Can we enable the bytecode interpreter? It would make the fonts look so much
Are you sure? I heard that the autohinter was just as good.

Do you have any side-by-side comparisons?

- a
