Reference updates
Charles Goodwin
2004-04-05 12:41:41 UTC

1) No mention of PosChange - do you wish to drop it?

2) childadded/childremoved are now ChildChange - why?

It's much nicer to just trap one or the other than to have
to do 'if (indexof(v) > -1) {...} else {...}'
- Charlie

Charles Goodwin <charlie-***@public.gmane.org>
Online @ http://www.charlietech.com
Adam Megacz
2004-04-05 21:58:20 UTC
Post by Charles Goodwin
1) No mention of PosChange - do you wish to drop it?
Post by Charles Goodwin
2) childadded/childremoved are now ChildChange - why?
Charles Goodwin
2004-04-05 21:56:17 UTC
Post by Charles Goodwin
1) No mention of PosChange - do you wish to drop it?
... WHY?

It's utterly integral to doing any kind of non-grid dependent widgets
like scrollbar. How on earth are you supposed to track the movement of
a slave box without PosChange?

It's freaky when you're mysterious like this.
- Charlie

Charles Goodwin <charlie-***@public.gmane.org>
Online @ http://www.charlietech.com
Adam Megacz
2004-04-05 22:03:24 UTC
Post by Charles Goodwin
It's freaky when you're mysterious like this.
The cows are not what they seem.

- a
Adam Megacz
2004-04-05 22:03:54 UTC
Post by Charles Goodwin
It's utterly integral to doing any kind of non-grid dependent widgets
like scrollbar.
Grrr, you have a good point here.

- a
Charles Goodwin
2004-04-05 22:12:18 UTC
Post by Adam Megacz
Post by Charles Goodwin
It's utterly integral to doing any kind of non-grid dependent widgets
like scrollbar.
Grrr, you have a good point here.
Ergo you need to check with us before committing stuff like updates
removing things. Ergo you should be using your own repo as a playpen
for patches rather than core.ibex.org. Ergo I've said this repeatedly
and will continue to until you welcome your new Darcs overlord.
- Charlie

Charles Goodwin <charlie-***@public.gmane.org>
Online @ http://www.charlietech.com